Photos from EAA 461 events and Clow airport, as well as aviation events and adventures.
Photos from Cavalcade of Planes 2021
Photos from Cavalcade of Planes 2019
Latinas in Aviation (2020) photos

F-22 at Oshkosh! Lake Hood, Alaska Lake Hood, Alaska
Final approach to
Runway 18Another beautiful sunset at Clow Clow International Airport (1C5) Lunch flyout to Lansing IL Lunch flyout to Lansing IL Lunch flyout to Lansing IL

Clow International airport (1C5) Smith Miniplane Angelina with that
Champ grin!Piper Tri-Pacer Tailwheel time! Aeronca Champ’s! Champs in formation!
Dave Otero’s RV-7 Final approach to Runway 26C at O’Hare International Airport (KORD)
The Field of Dreams
Sonex Zenith
Bally’s Bomber Bally’s Bomber Bally’s Bomber Jack Bally (RIP) Final to Runway 36

International Cessna 150-152 fly-in held at the
Clinton, IA airport every year (KCWI)